Land Share Guiding Commitments

These are commitments that we ask all land-sharing partners (those offering and those using the land) to agree to:

  • Safety. We commit to acting in ways that protect the safety of all involved. This includes agreeing to follow safety protocols of appropriate mask wearing, physical distance, sanitation, and other precautions to reduce risks of spreading illness. 
  • Land care. We commit to making choices that best serve the health and well being of the land and its wild communities. This includes gardening without toxic chemicals, and using growing practices that build the long-term health of the soil. 
  • Communication. We commit to communicating with each other clearly and compassionately, addressing challenges as they arise with an assumption of good intentions on everyone’s part. We will ask for support from others, including Land in Common staff and partners, when needed. 
  • Respecting Differences. We recognize that everyone involved in the land share project has different experiences, identities, and perspectives. We commit to treating each other with kindness and respect, to opening our hearts and minds, to learning from each other, and to actively promoting justice and fairness in our relationships. 
  • Follow-Through. We will do our very best to follow through with our partnership for the duration of our agreements, working through challenges with care and patience so that gardens can be harvested by gardeners at the end of the season.