Links for Learning & Action

This is an in-process list of resources related to Land in Common’s work and values. It is only partial, and we know that there are many other amazing efforts and resources out there. Please let us know what we’re missing: Thank you!

The Land We Live On

  • A Map of Native Land. Use this resource to find out whose land you are living on (but don’t rely on it too much; find out what Indigenous people in your area have to say about this).

Native-Led Organizations in what is colonially called “Maine

Wabanaki Tribal Governments

Other Land Justice (and Related) Efforts Led by Communities of Color in Wabanakik

Land Protection & Farmer Support in Maine & New England

Community Land Trusts

Cooperative Livelihoods & Solidarity Economies

Land Justice Resources

Racism and Colonialism – General Resources


Indigenous Land Payment/Tax Projects


National & International Land Justice Movements & Organizations